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The World Food Program and the Logistics Cluster Field Based Preparedness Project (FBPP) in Guatemala, together with the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT), brought together more than 70 representatives from the public, humanitarian, and private sectors on May 7, to discuss customs processes and importation of relief shipments in a virtual event coordinated with the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA) and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS).  

Representatives from organizations such as SE-CONRED, ECHO, Guatemalan Red Cross, Save the Children, UNICEF, UNHCR, and ACH, among others, participated in this virtual event.  

This activity came up as a follow-up to the gap of lack of knowledge of the legal basis and procedures for the importation of relief shipments, identified in the Multisectoral Logistics Plan for Emergencies and the results of the Binational (Guatemala – Honduras) Workshop on Logistics Preparedness for Emergencies.  

The main purpose of this virtual meeting was to promote synergies between the national customs system and the humanitarian sector, in addition to understanding customs logistics processes in mobilizing humanitarian assistance (food, non-food items, and medicines) in times of emergency and when no calamity has been declared. 

Topics covered in the video  

This video recording covers the following topics on customs procedures for the clearance of relief shipments:   

  • Coordination with CONRED  

  • Documentary requirements  

  • Physical inspection  

  • Quarantine treatments  

  • Ex-officio declaration and exemptions  

  • Import of medicines and related products 

Some of the key questions that are answered in the video   

1. What are the requirements to apply for a franchise (minute 32) Compliance with certain legal requirements, such as the scope of the franchise, the necessary documentation, payment of taxes, risk analysis, and authorization by the customs authorities.  

2. How is the entry of humanitarian aid coordinated in case of emergency? (minute 53)  

In case of emergency, the entry of humanitarian aid is coordinated through the Assistance and Humanitarian Aid Coordination Center (CCAH), which establishes protocols and requirements to receive products, coordinates international assistance, and defines the designated points to accept donations.  

3. What procedures must be followed to import medicines and related products? (minute 29)  

To import medicines and related products, procedures such as the issuance of permits for non-controlled medicines, and related products including medical-surgical and diagnostic reagents must be carried out. In addition, requirements must be met, such as having a minimum validity of one year and obtaining prior authorization from the Ministry of Health.